Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Today was NOT a beautiful day!

Ahhh April... Spring has sprung... the grass is getting greener, the flowers are starting to come up, the birds are singing, the snow is blowing sideways at 30 mph... Wait, what?! Oh yeah, this is Eastern Idaho. Winter's not really over until Memorial Day. The high temp yesterday was 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Today, the high was 40. That's a difference of 35 degrees for those of you who aren't mathematics subject matter experts. It snowed off and on and the wind blew more than 20 mph all day today - April 15th!

Kinda stinks to have a five-mile tempo run planned for a crappy weather day like today. I know myself - if I save it until tomorrow, I'll start to take my training plan for the Sawtooth Relay less seriously and probably skip more workouts. So I hit the road after work. Notice that the Weather says "Mostly Cloudy and Breezy". Twenty-three mile per hour sustained winds with thirty-three mile per hour gusts is just a breeze around here. That wind was brutal any time I was running West, which was a good portion of the run. The plan was a mile warm-up followed by three miles at ~9:00/mi pace and a mile cool-down. The first tempo mile pretty much sucked with the wind and freezing rain/snow in my face, the second was way better with the wind at my back and the third hurt, I think because I was worn out from the first. My cool-down was slower than I have run for a long time. Probably a good thing. I hope Friday is more like last Sunday than today. Seven miles in this crap might just kill me (at least all my motivation).

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